Cleaning company in Luxemburg

We offer cleaning solutions for the well-being of your occupants and visitors.

For over 45 years, we have been helping all types of customers with their cleaning needs, guaranteeing tailor-made solutions. To ensure customer satisfaction, we continually invest in the research and development of innovative solutions to guarantee optimal cleaning. Finally, our dense network at Luxemburg enables us to be as close as possible to our customers and their needs.

Keeping your working environment clean and hygienic

Proximity is one of our priorities. This ensures that all our customers can benefit from Luxemburg, responsiveness, effective support and controlled costs.

Whether you need cleaning for your offices, the cleanliness of your company's floors or even services such as network cleaning for stores, hospitals, schools... our cleaning company can meet all your needs.

Cleaning services tailored to your sector

Whatever your sector of activity, our sector-based experts can help you develop a customized offer of cleaning services tailored to your needs, processes and requirements.

Contact an industry expert
Onet cleaning agent Luxemburg in a shopping center

Our activities at Luxemburg

Our cleaning company offers a comprehensive range of services including :

  • Cleaning for all sectors

    Offices, administration, commercial areas, public public areas, networks...

  • Specialized cleaning

    Cleanliness in the food industry, Ultra-cleanliness (Pharmaceutical pharmaceutical industries, healthcare cleanrooms), Event operations management, Industrial process cleanliness and maintenance, Transport cleanliness (airport, rail, urban environments)

  • Occupant services

    Reception, management and preparation of meeting management and provision of water coolers water fountains, consumables dispensers, carpet rental

  • Building services

    Waste collection and sorting, Window cleaning, Green space management, 3D hygiene, Car park cleaning, Plant care, Small inter-company removals

  • Global waste management

    ONET audit of your waste management system, Selective sorting, Waste pre-collection, Traceability, Reporting, Optimization of your internal organization, Recovery, Continuous improvement

Our commitment : proximity and responsiveness

We are present throughout Luxemburg. Close to you, our agents and teams are also close to you through their expertise. We tailor the management of each site to its needs and characteristics. In this way, we can offer you the operational responsiveness you expect. Your cleaning contract is managed by a single point of contact. This direct relationship enables us to provide a personalized, responsive response. At the same time, we support you in the field with innovative solutions tailored to your needs and those of your users.

Associated services and occupant well-being

Associated services are service solutions that we can propose and implement to provide answers and comfort in the management of our customers' sites. As our aim is to provide healthy environments, we also offer complementary services: waste management, maintenance of green spaces, concierge services, minor repairs...

Our certifications

An integrated approach to managing your site

A central purchasing office for our consumables

Our central purchasing unit meets all your needs and enables us to guarantee you the best technical and financial offer in 3 areas:

  • equipment,
  • hygiene and maintenance,
  • personal protective equipment (PPE).

Our cleaners receive regular training in the use of new products, guaranteeing consistent quality of service. What's more, we carefully maintain the equipment we invest in, ensuring its durability and long-term performance.

Onet Pilot
to supervise the service

OnetPilot is an in-house tool designed to supervise the start of cleaning shifts and services, while being proactive about replacing cleaning staff. In concrete terms, this solution enables :

  • Guarantee that cleaning services have been carried out, by knowing at all times the presence of our agents
  • Be more proactive in replacing our agents
  • Secure your site with agent identification
  • Streamline communication with your dedicated contact person


Paper traceability form
Paper service schedule
Absence information by calling


100% stand-alone unit
Digital tracking application for
schedules real-time information
agent absences

Employee time and attendance solution: Onet Pilot

Are you a private individual?
Call on our partner Batmaid!

Book your high-quality home cleaning or end-of-tenancy cleaning service now at Luxemburg

  • Fast, simple automated booking process
  • Qualified, professional staff guarantee quality cleaning for every customer
  • Online booking management via website or app 
  • Flexible cleaning solutions tailored to your needs and preferences
  • Dedicated and responsive customer service, available to answer all your requests and questions
  • Tax deductible 

Are you looking for a cleaning company in Luxemburg ?

Don't hesitate to contact our dedicated team for a customized quote as soon as possible.

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    Please indicate the surface area in m2 of the premises concerned by the expected service

    By sending your message, your personal data will be used by Onet in accordance with the privacy policy available via this link: https: // We will collect your data in order to respond to your request. We also use your data to send you communications

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